"AFTER HOURS" is an incredible exhibit of new paintings by popular Jackson artist, Tony Davenport.
It will be hanging at ARTichoke beginning March 20th and runs through April 20th, 2008. Tony, a native of Vicksburg, Mississippi is a graduate of Jackson State University and currently resides in Jackson. Tony has participated in various professional art competitions and invitations throughout Mississippi. In 2006, he was commissioned to paint the murals inside the Robert Johnson Blues Foundation Museum in Crystal Springs, Mississippi. He also designed the original posters for both the 2006 Highway 61 Blues Festival and the 2006 Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival in Greenville, Mississippi.
When he came here 10 years ago Davenport says he was intrigued by the architecture and interesting buildings in the Capital City and by the stories that went with them. Much of his work includes these recognizable facades, including a self portrait which depicts Davenport with the King Edward hotel visible in the background. However, Tony says the "City with Soul" theme recently adopted by Jackson inspired him to produce his "After Hours" series which is being exhibited at ARTichoke starting March 20th. "After Hours" includes night vistas of Jackson landmarks, local scenes and familiar people and places. Davenport's art tells a visual story of this city and its people from north to south Jackson, and all points in between.
Descriptions of Davenport's work range from "provocative" to "intense" to "cool". Whatever the words used, his paintings always evoke a powerful reaction. He is clearly a rising star in the art world. Join us in celebrating the opening of this incredible exhibit on Thursday, March 20th from 5:30 pm until 8:30pm at ARTichoke, 1012 E. Fortification in the historic Belhaven area of Jackson. Click here to see more of Tony's work . http://www.arthentix.com/
Local musician Scott Albert Johnson, the "Umbrella Man", will be performing on the covered patio behind ARTichoke for the event. The singer, songwriter and harmonica player was raised in Jackson, Mississippi. After attending Harvard and Columbia University, and living away for a while, he has returned home physically and musically. His unique style of blues, jazz and more will thoroughly entertain and captivate you. Read more about Scott here and come hear him at ARTichoke during "After Hours.". http://www.scottalbertjohnson.com/
On street parking will be provided.
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"AFTER HOURS" is an incredible exhibit of new paintings by popular Jackson artist..
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